Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Write About Winter

We’re right in the middle of January, and for much of the country that means snow has fallen or soon will. Encourage your young students to think creatively about winter with this fun printable! Instruct students to write about winter in the lines of this seasonal snowflake.

For your students who might be stumped, here are some prompts you can offer for inspiration!

~ What is your favorite part of winter?

~ What type of clothes do you only wear in winter?

~ What is your favorite thing to do in the snow?

~ What are some fun things to do inside during winter?

~ What is your favorite winter memory?

Write one yourself to use as an example for the class. This simple printable makes for a great language arts lesson. You can keep the lesson simple or add extra guidelines yourself to make the lesson more challenging, such as a winter vocabulary list. The choice is up to you.

We hope you enjoy the winter season. Stay warm!