Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day! How will you be teaching your students about helping save the earth? 

 There are many ways to teach students about what they can do to help the environment. 

 Here are a few tips to use in the classroom:

-Place recycling bins in your classroom and encourage students to recycle and re-use. 
-Designate a tray for used paper and encourage students to use the other side of the piece of paper when needed for assignments, art work, or scratch paper. 
-Teach your students the importance of turning off faucets while brushing their teeth and after washing their hands. 
-Educate students of the importance to shutting off electronics and lights when leaving a room when they are at home.
-Plan a day to take your students outside and plan a  tree together, or if you can't do that on school grounds give your students a packet of seeds so they can plant one at home. Teach them all about how trees can help save the earth.

Earth Day is the perfect day to teach your students the importance of taking care of the planet they live on! 

Have fun and get teaching so students can start saving!

Here are a few helpful links: