National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)
is an internet based creative writing project that was started in July of 1999
by Chris Baty. Each year participates pick a theme of their choice and write at
least 50,000 words for the month of November.
In honor of National Novel Writing
Month, start a creative writing exercise with your students. Have kids start a
story at the beginning of the month and add to it each day in November. Set a
word count for your students or just have them write for a set amount of time
each day. To get students started, you may want to pick a topic or give a few
examples. For some added fun, have your students create a book cover for their novels
at the end of the month.
For ideas and resources on NaNoWriMo
for young writers, check out the NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program at